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Trusted, Recognised, Experienced. Certified. Supportive.
BSc (Hons) MSc PgCert PgDip MCSP ICF PCC
Sudhir is a gay cisgender male of South Asian heritage who grew up in South Africa. He is the founder of the Life Architect and specialises in life vision and enhancement.
Sudhir's personal journey of continual self development is reflected in his work.
He brings together all his knowledge, skill, expertise and experience in a unique way to empower people to design, construct and live the life that want to live.
Sudhir is the curator of Deep and Meaningful Conversations (DMCs) that explores existential themes that invisibly influence our lives.
Sudhir lectures on Hertfordshire University's Leadership programme and consults to organisations on implementing behavioural science. He is chair of the CSP's LGBTQIA+ network and has an interest in equity, diversity and belonging.
Sudhir is the director of Integrated Health a health and well-being company offering physical and mental health services.
Trusted coaching professional.
My values:
Purpose, congruency, trust, experience, autonomy
My beliefs:
I believe that we are powerful creative beings.
I believe we are not broken and we do not require fixing
I believe we are all born with unique gifts, talents and abilities
I believe that our purpose in this life, if we choose it, is to find out what those gifts are and use them in service of humanity
I believe that my expertise as a coach is to introduce you to that makes your heart sing and hold you to account as you manifest your heart's truest deepest desires
I believe everything happens for a reason
"The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away" - Pablo Picasso
Olaf from the Frozen movie
Sadness from Inside out
Dory from the Finding Nemo movie
Megan (Melissa McCarthy) from the Bridesmaids movie
Preferred pronouns:
He, him
Connect with me on LinkedIn
I have worked with:
Sudhir Daya: Life Architect, Life Coach, Trainer, Facilitator and keynote speaker


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